Spring in Review


Beginning the Season with a refresh of the mantle.  Working on our aesthetics and space is part of our usual Spring Cleaning.  Plus this year, I had the added motivation from The Possibility Department GYST with the Pentacle Program.


Back to Florida to visit with family. There may have been some touristy shenanigans too!

May Day with a celebration of all the diverse gifts folks bring to our communities at Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation.

Movies and Legos for Mother's Day fun.  I'm celebrating the way the kiddo encourages us to be playful!

Such a gorgeous time to notice the lushness of nature.

Joanna DeVoe is journeying through the Tarot.  Here's my take on the coloring page.  And this rainbow greeting me on a road trip gives me the same Magician vibes.  Check out Jo's Patreon for more info.

After Spring had sprung, we welcome Summer.  May this be a season of warmth and joy! (For our friends in the Southern Hemisphere too, though it comes in a different way.)

Somehow, the year 2022 is halfway through. And it's the eve of my 39th birthday as I write this. In my context we're facing challenges to our bodily autonomy and reproductive health.  Every action that had been made toward progress, for the side of love, feels tenuous.  There is a place for anger, and holy acts of protection and care.  We will be here for that. We'll also be here with Creativity, Connection, and Coziness. Though, The Care Neighborhood will be going through a transformation in the next few weeks. More to come!

Peace be with you. I sincerely love you.


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