Plant Blessing
Plants bless us in many ways......
The food we eat
How we show someone we love them
Sending thoughts in times of Grief
Medicine / Herbalism
Beauty all around us
Mutual sharing of life. They breathe out and we breathe in.
The joy of blessing plants is the practice of noticing what we might have taken for granted. Seeing how small, simple in the tiniest crevice and how huge it is, complex and woven into everything. To be mindful of the earth, our source, our home. And there can be a justice element - how we care for our plants is how we care for each other. To push back on our greed and our striving, and to reject the ways we might ask others to toil and labor thanklessly for us.
How can we be kind and grateful? To see the beauty and the blessing and not ask for too much.
We remember that every harvest won’t be perfect. We sit with the sad parts too - hunger, pests, sharing with rascally animals we didn't intend to share with, and believe there is abundance even though we may experience seasons of less. How can we tend to that creatively?
In this Plant Blessing, we want to start with the simple part. Showing kindness, gratitude, care to the plants in our lives. Of course, at the same time as our kind words and thoughts, we also take action - tending to the balance in the soil, providing water, light, the right temperature...
Our blessings are not only about our thoughts, but also about our actions.
We continue to extend an invitation for anyone to share about their plants. Feel free to @TheCareNeighborhood and #PlantBlessing on Instagram. We bless, love, care, and celebrate with you!
We borrow a portion of the words from Blessing of Houseplants
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