Celebrating Creativity

Hope you all are having a wonderful spring/fall!  As the season revved up, The Care Neighborhood began mini celebrations of creativity, posted on Instagram. 

Here is the recap:

Day 1 - Creating Space for Creativity

On IG I shared my desk space, but I'm having a little trouble with the video clip here.  So, this is a photo of tools for grounding or centering, and creating a bit of magick for myself on-the-go!













Day 2 - Play and Imagination 

Our family set all the chairs out across the house to play "The Floor is Lava." Skip to 2:26 for the kiddo's solo run.

Day 3 - Libraries and Books

Day 4 - Crafts

 Day 5 - Nature

Day 6 - Rest

There was no post on this day.  This is an example that it OK to rest, to pause, to be silent... Maybe not creating or not forcing production of something is also part of the creative process. 

 Day 7 - Creating our Futures

Check out  this conversation between Imara Jones and artist, scholar, and creator Tourmaline.  

I also totally recommend listening to other episodes from TransLash Podcast!

Episode 14 'Black Trans History and Futures'


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